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Ziglar Legacy
Ziglar Legacy I have a question for you. Are you the pinball in the game of life, getting bounced around by circumstances beyond your control. Better yet, are you on a mission driven by purpose and fueled by passion? Maybe you have big dreams but life seems to get in the way, with your dreams […]
Ziglar Legacy
I have a question for you. Are you the pinball in the game of life, getting bounced around by circumstances beyond your control. Better yet, are you on a mission driven by purpose and fueled by passion? Maybe you have big dreams but life seems to get in the way, with your dreams getting dimmer and dimmer by the moment.
Good news! It doesn’t matter if you are on the fast track to your dreams or if you are lost in the shuffle. This book will give you inspiration and encourage you to be, do, and have all that life has to offer.